The wonder of thunder or - The moodswings of a...

What a contrast in the past week between the current President and the next one.

Obama fails on Israel. 2008 to Jewish leaders:  Jerusalem “must remain undivided”. May 19, 2011: calls for Palestinian state alongside Israel along 1967 borders – which included a divided Jerusalem. Don’t be fooled by the current whitewashing, this is a MAJOR shift in US policy. And it is utterly moronic. All it does is give ammunition (figuratively and literally) to the evil Islamists and drive a wedge between us and Israel. Nice job, Barack. In the same speech, he promises BILLIONS for Egypt and other middle east countries…that money is coming from WHERE???

Obama fails on Libya. Sen. Obama in 2007: “the president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.” After literally PROMISING to comply with the War Powers Act, the 60 day deadline came and went with no compliance. Not even “war criminal” George W Bush ever did such an arrogant thing. Short of a Declaration of War, Congress MUST authorize military action after a 60 day grace period per the War Powers Act of 1973. No President since Nixon liked to comply with it, I understand, and even many in Congress don’t see it as Constitutional (including usually stalwart John McCain), but guess what kids? It has never even been challenged in court, much less declared unconstitutional, therefore IT IS THE LAW OF THE LAND. You don’t get to ignore it! But, as in 1982, if Congress doesn’t specifically vote to end the hostilities, the President can basically do whatever he wants. So yes, President Obama is in violation of the law but will Congress hold him accountable?

 On the other hand, Herman Cain is on a roll. Trump out, Huckabee out, Daniels out. Announcement of candidacy in Atlanta expecting a crowd of 5,000 people, got 15,000. Over 100,000 Facebook fans (over 20,000 added in past 3 days). New #1 in Zogby poll ahead of all republican candidates (including Christie etc). Finally getting some press on Fox and Drudge and in many local outlets. Even Dick Morris is mentioning him! J  And…gasp…he admits when he doesn’t know something! This “citizen candidate” thing sure is cool…